Tutoring and Intervention

Looking for tutoring for your students either during the school day or after school?

Study Smart Tutors works with schools and college access programs to provide in-school and after-school tutoring and intervention programming. Our tutors work with students from elementary school through college, supporting them in English, math, science, and language courses.


Our tutors work with students from elementary school through college, and support students in a variety of English, math, science, and language courses.


Tutoring Implementation

Case Studies

Broadacres Elementary

Test scores showed a mean growth average of 39%

Read Full Case Study
Euclid Ave. Elementary

Increased proficiency across 5 grades

Read Full Case Study
Jordan High School

12% increase/improvement in ELA SBA scores

Read Full Case Study
Raymond Ave. Elementary

Increased proficiency across 3 grades

Read Full Case Study

Find Out More

Contact us to find out how our Student Workshops can prepare your students for the future.

    Contact us to find out how our Student Workshops can prepare your students for the future.

    Test Prep WorkshopsCareer Readiness WorkshopsSEL WorkshopsLife and Leadership WorkshopsSTEM WorkshopsTutor/Mentor TrainingTest Prep TrainingTutoringFamily WorkshopsGrant AssistanceConsulting/OtherMedia

    How Does it Work?

    See an example of a sample program implementation.

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