
Reach students and families anywhere with engaging and informative multimedia programming!

Study Smart Tutors works with schools and college access programs to create engaging and unique multimedia experiences. From Podcasts to fully animated videos, we work to engage students and families in new ways.

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    Sample Multimedia Projects

    Study Smart Tutors worked with a GEAR UP program to create a "sizzle reel" to showcase its program's key benefits to students, staff, and families.

    Study Smart Tutors turned Cal-SOAP staff into superheroes with superpowers that match their various roles. Then Study Smart Tutors worked with Cal-SOAP staff to create “college access villains” to illustrate to student and families some of the ways that Cal-SOAP assists students on the journey to and through college.

    Study Smart Tutors worked with a GEAR UP program to develop a complete family university video series that covers topics including the 4-year high school plan, engaging in extracurricular activities, the transition to high school, and many more.